Addressing financial shortfalls today and powering growth to revive and thrive

We help leaders identify and structure covid-response portfolios that create savings today, and power new revenue tomorrow. We do this by prioritising collaborations with growth-stage startups and emerging tech solutions that are validated and deeply aligned with commercial imperative, business incentives and group strategy. 


Measurable Outcomes

Some of our recent work has led to:

$3.25bn of cumulative revenue opportunity over 5 years for FLSmidth through the creation of an innovation portfolio 

$3.6m in achievable savings for Engie Australia thanks to the partnership with a customer journey analytics startup

 $1.6m in achievable energy savings identified in a single asset for Bangkok Industrial Gas

Introducing our approach

Our approach offers leaders a structured process to uncover the biggest business growth challenges and opportunities; which are then translated into high-impact startup partnership solutions with tangible outcomes.


How we do this :

We start by identifying high-potential projects using a combination of workshops and desk research

We generate a large list of high-impact focus areas and ideas for startup collaboration

We rank and prioritise them for execution based on startup density, maturity, expected outcome, ease of collaboration with business, time to commercial impact, etc...

We prioritise and create a high-impact portfolio of startup partnership solutions

Key benefits

One process, 20 prioritized solutions

Generation of >20 valuable startup partnership idea within prioritised focus areas; all with a clear objective to make either the core business more efficient or grow.

A problem-first approach

A perfect fit for corporations who don't want prescriptive recommendations but are looking for strong ownership of business units from the start and are interested in focusing on deep cooperation with startups.

Limited resources required

A bespoke and 12-week timeboxed approach that can be done entirely remotely. We focus our interactions with the business to make sure we are only meaningfully engaging with them to preserve headspace & time to deal with current business priorities. 

Create your own high impact covid-response portfolio.

We have what it takes


Bespoke and actionable solutions

We work with our partners to design engagement solutions that meet the specific set of business, industry and market challenges they face.


Results you can measure

We work together with our partners to scale new solutions that will demonstrate clear ROI within the organisation. 


A culture of innovation

We help our partners approach innovation from "the-outside-in" which gives access to vital insights for the commercialising of new technologies. 


An extensive track-record

We leverage our startup expertise and global ecosystem to help our partners drive the creation of new product lines, cost savings and additional revenue streams. 

Case studies

23 high-impact startup partnerships focused on energy optimisation, enhanced customer experience and personalised energy offering



Create your own high impact covid-response portfolio.